The most fun I ever had (teaching)

Teaching back-to-back sections of wildly different courses (e.g., quantum mechanics followed by an inquiry-based gen-ed course) can be maddening. But there are rare occasions when course assignments, schedules, and course roadmaps all come into phase with each other to allow for some incredible moments where you get to lead students in exploring the same topic on two very different levels. As a bonus, it happens … Continue reading The most fun I ever had (teaching)

Sloppy integrals

I’m admittedly a big fan of tricky integrals, but I’m not actually that good at doing integrals. If anything, I’m stubborn, and that tends to get me far enough. One of my absolute favorites is , where is the fractional part of , and is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. It’s great fun to work out, and it involves all kinds of mathematical gymnastics. Even Stirling’s approximation … Continue reading Sloppy integrals